Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Tue 15 Sep 2009 16:42
Tuesday 15th
September 2009
An early start as
the wind had come round in the night and we were edging closer to the shore than
was comfortable. We started out by sailing, but the wind decided to die
just as we were crossing the Traffic Separation Scheme off the coast of Athens,
so the engine went on! Safely across the shipping lanes, we headed across
the North coast of the island of Aigina, spotting a submarine on the way.
We reached the harbour of Aigina Town late morning, and decided to pass it by
and find a beach to anchor off for a swim and lunch. Later we returned to
the harbour and found a space on the town quay. We walked around the
pleasant town and found a taverna tucked away in a back street where James had
his first moussaka of the trip.