Back in Marmaris

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Sat 18 Oct 2008 18:36
36:49.133N 28:18.603E
Knowing that we had
only a short trip back to the marina, we had a leisurely morning in Kumlu
Buku. Tom and James took the rib out into the bay and put it through its

and there was time
for a swim before lunch.
When we left Kumlu Buku we tried to realign and
calibrate the wind instrument. This involved turning the boat through two
complete turns and then motoring into the wind whilst pressing various buttons
on the instrument. As there was no wind to motor into, this proved to be
an impossible task, so we gave up and decided to send Tom up the mast to do it
manually when we got back. We motored back to the marina and were
lucky to find a good spot on Juliet pontoon. Once we were safely tied up, Tom went up the
mast. He tried out the new 'bosun's chair' which is really a climbing
harness and gave it the thumbs up because it didn't crush his nuts!

Tom at the top of the
Dinner on board
consisted of tuna pasta bake, made by Tom, which was delicious, followed by a
quiet evening playing cards and reading - oh yes, and being trounced at Su Doku
by Tom!
Steve thought it
would be a good idea to have a Su Doku competition, issued us all with a
photocopied puzzle and set us off. He, James and I were not even
halfway to solving it when Tom announced he had finished. He then went on
to complete another before we had even finished the first! He ended up
giving us all lessons on technique, but none of us had the speed or ability to
even begin to compete. We decided that was enough Su