Great Bight, Norman Island, BVI

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Fri 6 Apr 2012 13:36
Friday 6th April 2012
Distance run: 11 nmiles
When we were last in the Virgin Islands we didn't get to see much of the BVI's, so we were glad to have the chance to visit Norman Island, where we had heard that there is good snorkelling. We lifted the anchor in JVD soon after 0800 and by 1100 we were anchored in Great Bight, Norman Island, which lies south of Tortola. From here we took the ribs around the headland where we tied them to a line between buoys, and went snorkelling at the caves. There was plenty of life to be seen in the coral reefs here with so many colourful fish and coral that it was impossible to remember what we'd seen in order to identify them all when we got back to the boat.
The bay was calm and peaceful, and we joined Rob & Sarah for drinks and watched the colours in the sky changing as the sun went down.