Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Wed 9 Jul 2008 12:57
36:10.56N 05:55.8W
Arrived in Barbate, having managed to avoid the ‘tunny nets’ (tuna nets)
which leave only a 50 metre clearance at the entrance to the harbour, just
after the office closed and so were unable to check in. That meant that
we had to wait till the office opened at 8 the next morning to do so,
which meant we missed the tide to Gibraltar. So we spent a day in
Barbate, or rather in Barbate marina – the town was such a long way off
that we decided not to bother. We had only planned to be here overnight
anyway, and had heard from others that the long and very hot walk into
town was only worth it if you really needed to shop. We didn’t.
The levante wind was still blowing in the Straits anyway. This is a wind
that blows from the East, which is the way we needed to go. It was due to
ease in the afternoon, so going a day later was probably better from the
weather point of view. The levante also brings mist/fog with it, and the
marina was shrouded in mist for most of the day. We hoped it would be
gone the next day.