Day sail to Nagar Ujong

08:30.112S 121:42.396E Saturday 26th August 2017 Distance run: 42 nm Anchor up at 0700 and an hour or two of playing dodgems with
the FADs and fishing nets later we were out of the bay and heading west along
the north coast of Flores towards our next stop, Nagar Ujong. We had
decided to give the next rally stop a miss, and so continued past Maurole for
another 8nmiles or so to here. This is not a rally stop, but a place to
anchor for the night before setting off again next day to Riung, which
is. We decided to day-hop along this coast as there are anchorages at
convenient points, and this will keep the need for night-sailing to a
minimum. We had a much faster sail along the coast than anticipated
as the wind was much stronger than forecast. It was also coming from the
north-east which was not good news for the anchorage, and as we approached it
we had real doubts whether it would be tenable. However, we found an area
behind a reef where the water was lumpy but manageable, and dropped the anchor.
It is no more uncomfortable than Maurole had been every
afternoon, and we expect that the wind will come round in the early evening as
it had there, flattening out the sea. Fingers crossed for a calm and
peaceful night! |