Pastries and Tex-Mex

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Mon 18 Apr 2011 09:49

Monday 18th April 2011


When walking through the town to check in at the ferry dock we couldn’t but notice the patisserie with a very familiar name…


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and we felt duty bound to test the merchandise – which passed the taste test with flying colours!   (The service, however, left a lot to be desired!) This one will definitely be in the book, Rob & Sarah!


It turned out that Jonas & Heather on Sea Otter were also in the lagoon, over on the Dutch side, and we stopped by to say Hi on one of our trips to the chandlers.  We were happy to accept their invitation to join them for lunch at the Yacht Club and enjoyed catching up on news since we had last seen them in Jolly harbour.   Jonas had managed to secure an extra month’s leave of absence from work and so they were enjoying a few more weeks cruising before heading back to Canada.  


The following day we again bumped into them in the huge, well-stocked supermarket, and they invited us to join them for supper that evening.  Heather made a delicious one-pot Tex-Mex chicken dish which we enjoyed so much we asked for the recipe.  Stormy the sea dog came and joined us in her PJ’s and made herself comfy on Steve’s lap.



Stormy in her PJ’s.


We had planned to leave St Martin at the weekend, but discovered that the Crocs Steve had bought were an odd pair, so we had to wait until today for the shop to open to exchange them.  So tomorrow we will check out in the morning, go through the bridge at the 1730 opening and head overnight for the British Virgin Islands.