yogurt but no fish

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Thu 30 Dec 2010 18:20
Thursday 30th December 2010
Distance run in 24 hours: 119
Total distance run: 1198
Distance left: 855
Not the best day's run as winds were light but a calm and peaceful day instead. Spurred on by Rob's fishing successes (he landed another mahi mahi just 15 minutes after putting the line out!) we decided to haul in the towed generator and put out a fishing line. Nothing for hours, then the line sprang into action and we got all excited and started salivating over the forthcoming fish supper, only to find a tiddly tuna on the line. Needless to say that went straight back in!
This morning we put the line out again, thinking that the slightly faster speed and different time of day might improve our chances, but at 1400 we reeled the line back in with not a single bite. Rob kindly said he would fish on the day before we arrive in Barbados and give us his catch so that we could sample the apparently very tasty mahi mahi and we look forward to it because we ain't having a lot of luck ourselves!!
We did, however, have success with the yogurt-making kit which has been lurking in a locker since we arrived back from the UK. It's a doddle - mix the sachet with water, put it in the flask with boiling water and leave it for 8-12 hours and, hey presto, fresh yogurt! This morning we had very tasty yogurt for breakfast and as it makes 1kg at a time, will be enjoying it fairly often for a while! Now the next step is to see if we can be successful in using some of this yogurt to make more. It's a live culture, so it's apparetly a simple case of adding some of this batch to some milk made from milk powder and we should have more. Will be interesting to see if it works just as well!
We also had fresh baguettes for breakfast as our bread has now run out and we are using the store of part-baked loaves. When they are gone it'll be time to bake bread from scratch, but that's still a few days away. We still have fresh meat in the freezer and fruit and veg for a few days more. And we have enough iron stores to keep an army for a month so we won't go hungry!