Day hop to Pulau Talang

04:25.319N 100:34.672E Tuesday 21st November 2017 Distance run: 15nm After a very pleasant stay in Pangkor, we slipped the lines early afternoon for the 15nm trip to Pulau Talang, a small island just off the mainland coast, where we would anchor overnight before setting off for the remaining 60-odd nm to Penang. The overall distance to Penang is just a little too much for us to cover comfortably in a day sail, and I am keen to avoid overnights if at all possible, in view of the number of hazards that cannot be seen in the dark. Not to mention the hundreds of fishing boats with very bright lights that ruin your night vision that have to be avoided too. There was a channel to follow as we passed between Pangkor Island and the mainland, as the water is very shallow there, and as we were going through a narrow ‘gate’, we were joined by a cargo ship that clearly was not going to wait behind a little sailing yacht, even though it was not at that moment sailing. We could have asked to borrow a cup of sugar… Doesn’t look so close in this picture, but it sure felt it as it steamed up behind us! It was, however, an uneventful motor to Talang, where we found three boats already in the small anchorage, and somewhat disturbingly, a crash helmet floating on the water. We were slightly concerned there was a head beneath the helmet… It took a couple of attempts at anchoring before we found the best available spot and the anchor bit well. A little close to the shore, and the rocks, but, hey, my skipper tells me I always say that… |