Day sail to Langkawi

06:17.212N 99:43.211E Saturday 25th November 2017 Distance run: 64nm We lifted the anchor at 0630, before first light as we had a little over 60 nmiles to cover, and didn’t want to arrive in the dark. We felt fairly sure we wouldn’t encounter fishing nets or boats in the anchorage area, and luckily didn’t. When we reached the fairway we pulled out the sails and pretty much sailed the whole way close hauled or on a close reach in 10-18 knots of wind. It was a nice day, weather-wise, and made for a pleasant trip. Leaving the mist-covered island of Penang behind in the early morning.
No need for an anchor when you have a navigation buoy. A single stick fishing marker typical of these waters. When we reached the group of islands to the south of Langkawi, we called Rebak Island Marina where we had a berth booked, to tell them we were an hour or so away. We were surprised to be told that we could not enter the marina today as it was now after 3 p.m. and there was no staff to take our lines. We said we might just be able to manage by ourselves, having sailed the boat for the last ten years, but they insisted we had to wait until tomorrow as we had never been there before. Okay, then. Plan B. The problem with plan B was that by now we had already passed the anchorages we had identified in case of a slow passage, and we could therefore either turn around and go back to them, or keep going and find an anchoring spot somewhere near Rebak Island. We decided to carry on and eventually dropped the anchor off the beach at Cenang, which is on Langkawi, opposite Rebak Island. It was quite open, but there was by now little wind and the sea was flat. It was actually a very pleasant spot, and as the sun went down the horizon lit up with bright green lights of fishing boats. We were relieved that we had indeed arrived before dark! In the morning we will cover the last couple of nmiles to Rebak Island Marina, where the boat will be hauled out for a well-earned rest. |