nice and easy
Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Tue 7 May 2013 23:40
Tuesday 7th May 2013
Distance run so far: 710
Distance run Day 6: 151
Total distance run: 861 nmiles
What a lovely day! The wind has been fairly consistent at around 12-15 knots over the port quarter and the sea has been very benign, so that we have made reasonable speed and have been very comfortable. After lunch we changed from a broad reach with main and genoa to running downwind with poled out yankee and free genoa in order to alter course slightly as we were beginning to make too much south. Unless the wind changes, we will probably stay like this through the night.
So we have had an easy day enjoying the blue of the Pacific ocean. I have mended the ensign, once again, as it was getting very tattered. I think this is the last time though, as the colours are becoming so washed out we may be in trouble for flying a white one!
Time for a small sundowner before settling down to night watches. An evening ritual for me has become to look out for the southern cross, and watch its progress across the sky. There is next to no moon at the moment - last night it finally decided to come up at around 4 a.m.- so if the sky is clear of clouds the stars light up the sky. Beautiful.