Hillsborough, Carriacou

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Wed 16 May 2012 22:57
12:29.099N 61:27.513W Wednesday 16th May 2012 Distance run: 8 nmiles We slipped the buoy at Clifton after lunch and had a gentle sail downwind to Hillsborough on the island of Carriacou. Although less than 10 miles apart, Union Island and Carriacou are different countries, thus the messing around with paperwork as we check out of St Vincent & the Grenadines and into Grenada, to whom Carriacou belongs. It is inconvenient and sometimes there is a cost involved, as now, but it has to be done, so best to do it with politeness and a smile. However, that is a job for tomorrow as we dropped the anchor at just about the time they closed for the day. |