North Sound, Virgin Gorda BVI
18:30.152N 64:21.815W Thursday 12th April 2012 Distance run: 9 nmiles We were up before 0700 yesterday in order to make an early start for the Baths, on Virgin Gorda, where we planned to do some snorkelling. This is a popular site where it is possible to swim in pools among huge granite boulders, where shafts of light play on the water creating quite an effect, and something we had planned to do last year but didn’t get an opportunity. There are only a few mooring buoys there and anchoring is forbidden, so it was a race to see if we could get a buoy. Unfortunately others must have been up even earlier than us (or were prepared to roll around all night!), and there were no buoys left, so we went on to Spanish Town and anchored there, then took the ribs back to the Baths. The sea was quite challenging with a swell running, so I opted not to go very far but to go back to the rib while Steve, Sarah and Rob swam on into the Baths. I am not a very good or strong swimmer and a coward to boot, so this was by far the best course of action for me, which was confirmed by Steve on his return as he had found it quite a demanding swim, though well worth the effort. Back at Scott-Free we had an early lunch and then weighed anchor and set off for North Sound. The wind had shifted and allowed us to sail virtually all the way, just putting the engine on to enter the sound through the marked channel between the reefs. Once inside, we found a good spot just south of Prickly Pear Island and dropped the hook. This morning we had planned to go snorkelling on the reef just outside the sound, but for one reason or another that didn’t happen, and we spent some time doing boat jobs in preparation for the trip to St Martin tomorrow. Later we went ashore at Saba Rock to find out about Happy Hour and the restaurant as we were planning a last evening meal out with Rob & Sarah, and then went over to Bitter End. Just as we were getting into the rib to go ashore, Amokura came into the anchorage and dropped their hook behind us, so we went over to say ‘Hi’ to Jean and Kevin on the way. That evening we joined a group of yachties at Saba Rock for drinks at Happy Hour, and then Jean & Kevin joined us for dinner. It was a nice evening tinged with a little sadness as we would be parting company with Rob & Sarah yet again to head south while they head north. As we would not be leaving till late afternoon for an overnight passage to St Martin, Sarah kindly invited us for brunch on Serafina the next day. |