Passage to Debut, Indonesia - Day 5 - Arrival

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Fri 21 Jul 2017 08:07
Friday 21st July 2017
24-hour run: 132 nm
Total passage distance: 669 nm
We shortened sail to slow down overnight to ensure we arrived near the coast after dawn. Another long night of looking out for nets and fishing boats.
It was very grey and cloudy when dawn came, and our first sight of the Indonesian islands was through a fine mist of rain. We arrived in the anchorage at Debut, along with half a dozen other yachts, shortly after midday to find about twenty of the rally fleet already there, but in the enormous space there was plenty of room. We were soon settled and waiting for the first of the officials to arrive and begin our clearance in. As is our tradition after a successful passage and arrival in a new country, or indeed continent, we celebrated with bacon butties and Bollie, for which Bob and Sue joined us. We have sailed 2,115 nmiles in company with them from the Gold Coast, and it was good to celebrate together.
Tired after the passage, we chilled out and waited for officialdom to arrive. Not much choice really, as we cannot go ashore until all the formalities are completed.