Trade winds at last?!

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Wed 5 Jan 2011 15:48
Wednesday 5th January 2011
Distance run in 24 hours: 131
Total distance run: 1938
Distance left: 122
A day and night of mixed winds and seas and copious amounts of rain. In the afternoon we were rained upon by a huge cloud and again in the night by a cloud that seemed to materialise suddenly out of nowhere immediately behind us and then proceeded to slowly pass over us dumping more rain than I have ever seen, or indeed felt, in my entire life!
Once that cloud had passed over however, we were left with winds of 15-20 knots blowing steadily in the right direction and have had them ever since. We think this may be the trade winds we should have had two weeks ago, but hey, better late than never!
With around 120 miles left to go, we hope to make landfall around this time tomorrow. We can't wait...