New Year Storm

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Thu 5 Jan 2023 00:57
Following launch on 22 December it was a rush to put to sea before Christmas
.We made it and sailed Christmas Eve north to Whangaruru where we spoken a lovely time with fine sunny weather . Christmas dinner was turkey with all the trimmings .
For New Year we rounded Cape Brett to Bay of Islands . Fine weather still
be an ominous low moving slowly south above us . This usually skip to the East oof New Zealand . This one didn't and caught us wiith 40 knt gusting 57 knt between 2 and 5th . We dragged in the dark first night and then spent an anxious day
at anchor watch . Finally found securety in Veronica Channel to Opua with an anchor which had to be pulled out with full engine it was dug in solid.
Now wating for fog to lift and sea to settle before returning to
Marsden Cove