First day at sea

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Wed 27 Mar 2013 13:12
24 07 80 N 80 26 61 W
The passge started slowl and for the first 5 hours
we travel south through the islands at 4kntThe wind then picked up hitting 30knt
at times but over 25knts all night.The 24 distance travel is 160nm.We sailed
hour on hour at 9knt under full main as the wind was only 20 degrees off the
I managed 3 hours of sleep as 10 minute slots with
one slot of an hour after an intensiv radar scan.No boats out here and we have
left the other yachts miles behind now.
The duogen prop had siezed(now fixed but means
balancing on the stern to take it off) so batteries low this morning.Am charging
and making water .
Feel fine .No tiredness.
Today is grey and the wind has dropped to
20knt.Jybed afew minutes ago to keep to the east of Galapagos.