
L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sun 7 Aug 2016 05:49
We spnt last weekend at Musket Cove enjoying the
swimming pool and walks before moving to Port Denarau suprer yacht pontoon on
tuesday .Here we tied up alongside the huge super cruisers includind one
belonging to film actor Tom Cruise 'The genset was removed from the boat on
wednesday and returned on thursday . Fully functional . Cost wasNew Zealnd
rather than Fiji but the guy who did the job only got Fijian rates so huge
profit for someone .Friday we shopped In Nadi and then a presentation from the
New Zealand Sailing Association . We sailed back to Musket Cove on
Saturday arriving just before the rain .A day later the rain has stopped and we
have manages a walk ashore . We gathered green mangoes from under the trees and
peny has made pickle .