Mama Faty Yacht Club

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sun 27 Oct 2013 00:14
Well here we are . Another iconic beach bar and the
send off point for Opua . Just a mile across the harbour but a quiet anchorage
with a bar , Internet and a larger than life landlady .
Fifteen yachts here all preparing to set sail
Tuesday/ wednesday . We are ready to go just water to make and frésh food and
clear out .
There seems to be a lot of apprehension amongst the
fleet . Probably because most of them although having crossed an ocean from the
States have never needed to sail to windward or have experienced heavy weather
before . Or for that matter sailed other than downwind with the trades .Some
people have expressed surprise at having ´green water on the decks
The weather looks good so cant wait to go