Boat Maintenance in the Sun

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Tue 3 Jun 2014 04:04
The water leak from the hot water circuit has been
getting worse so this morning I decided to fix it .First ting was to isolate the
leak which we did . It was on the galley ?second shower circuit as we suspected
. We bought a new pipe in New Zealand so it was a case of using the existing
pipe as a mouse to feed the new one across the boat . The problem was that if
the pipe stuck we would be left with no hot water to the galley . Of course this
is exactly what happened .Push and pull and it wouldn't shift . Risk being that
the join would come apart .. Finally had to leae it as it was . Half new
pipe and half old . But it seems to hae stopped the leak so we are fingers
crossed. Cloudy day after promising start so not too much time wasted . Now we
are filling the water tanks and the bilge is dry . Back to town tomorrw to order
the new log from the USA