Kapa Island

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Fri 13 May 2016 20:51
18 42 69 S 174 02 21 W
We saile to Kapa Island a few miles from Nieafu
having first booked a mooring in Nieafu for the month . As we approached we
spootted that the quay now jhad solar ligts and the field behind the palm
fringed white sand beach was littered with flowers .Isaid it looked like the
cemetary : Penny said she did not remember there being one .I aid it must
be a show jumping course . It adds a new dimension to jumping the coffin
The sea is blue and clear and we are very proected
. Last evening we watched high speed chases as barracuda chased smaller fish
around the boat .Air temperature is 28.5 deg as is the sea . It is a beautiful
place to swim . The head of the bay has a sand spit closing off the reef and a
smaall deserted atoll with a baeach . Ther are no other boats here .Last night
we heard that the 50 boats waiting in Opua to sail here were as I expected still
in Opua waiting to leave because of indecision . We are the fifth yacht to
arrive this year here . The others being a delivery charter fleet arriving from
New Zealand for the season . We have Tonga to ourselvesfor the next 3 weeks at
least .