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L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sat 23 Aug 2014 06:05
16 31 60 S 179 59 42 W
Good fast sail yesterday back to Viani Bay . Quite uncomfortable overnight with an onshore wind and some waves . Anchor fine but difficult to get up this morning : it was well and truly stuck in the coral . At least ours came up and we didn't need to call a diver like a neighbour . This morning start calm and we motored between the the mainland and Kioa with plenty of tide to help us .Later as we left shelter we felt the effect of a full F6 and altered course to Catherine Bay on Rabi . The mango trees are in full blossom now and look very beautiful . There is a lomo lit ashore and the outrigger canoes have been ferrying cava root to the village ( to be pounded into the local drink) . We are again just on the international dateline so it could be Friday or saturday here