This was the Day

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sun 21 Apr 2013 16:12
09 57 94 S 136 26 58 W
Another sunny day with 8knt breze this time from
S/E.No swell to indicate likelyhood of more wind.Managing 4.7 knt and back to
pointing at Fatu Hive .Both islands are 130nm away.A washer has worn through on
the gooseneck and will need replacing tomorrow.Simple task but shows wear and
tear of what is for many four seaons sailing in four weeks.Need that tin opener
as supply of food with pull tops is running low.It is also a bit of a pot luck
with the labelling which is fading.Last night was ´confiture de poulet´.Very
tasy but I was expecting casoulet and rather greasy on it´s own.This was the day
I should have arrived but tomorrow all being well.