First ship seen

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sun 14 Apr 2013 00:23
06 45 00 S 118 28 84 W
This morning there was still an awkward swell from
the south east but this settled to give a fine afternoon with a steady 15 knt
breeze from the s/e.A fishing boat appeared on the bow this mornoning at 4nm
with two others 12nm to the north.I saw him first on a routine radar scan.First
boat seen for 3 weeks.The current of yesterday has gone but the boat speed has
kept at between 6 and 7 knt.Waiting for the wind to drop a little so that I can
run the genset.Having to run navigation lights as tricolour not reliable at
masthead and more power used.It´s also time for a shower.