Suva Take Two

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Wed 24 Sep 2014 07:04
In a commercial harbour the view from the boat is not always the best . First impressions last night were misleading . Royal Suva is an old colonial club with a defaced pennant and photos of the Queen .All a little faded but then the service is good and the drinks cheap ; the view across the lawns to where L'Esprit lies quite stunning . The city is vibrant with lots of cheap eateries , good shops and parks . We spent today exploring and buying souvenirs . The museum of Fiji was especially interesting .People asked where we were from and when we said England they repied 'Oh the mother country" . We seem to bbe liked here . I also checked on the dental surgery I visit tomorrow; It is clean and airconditioned so in may ways an improvement from what we are dished up at home .