That Genset Again

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Fri 4 Oct 2013 23:55
Doing some fantastic sailing around the islands and
meeting whales here and there . Then yesterday whilst anchored off the perfect
island and making water the genset suddenly became rough and noisy and we had to
shut it down . What a time just as we planned to move on next week . The engine
cranked by hand at first and then jammed . I put out a call for help this
morning and our neighbor a young German guy came over . We discussed it
and decided to remove the bell housing to look at the fly wheel which proved
difficult . We then had a go at the starter motor which once removed allowed us
to view the fly wheel. We saw some worn teeth but removing the starter motor had
freed the engine which now turned freely . I think for some reason the starter
motor had engaged whilst the engine was running . Fingers crossed but we are
running at the moment . For how long ?