Going West

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Thu 4 Apr 2013 23:12
003 45 37 S 095 56 88 W
Sunny day with blue sky,pale blue sea astern
getting darker in the distance and a white bow wave.Sialing easilly on a beam
reach at 7 knt under full white sails.Very little swell.
Duogen has siezed in water mode and dispite several
goes at freeing the water impellor seizes again once in the water.Have
taken it apart as much as I can here so now using the air mode which is
not as efficient.
I understand that mailasail have me somewhere off
East Africa so again 03 45 S 95 56 W whch is 300nm S/Wof southern
Still sailing alone in a huge ocean.No other ships
seen nor on radar.
One problem I have noticed is that having taken the
wrappers off all my cans (infestation prevention) the indelible ink is fading
fast.It will be pot luck soon.
Another is that LED nav lights fail if the voltage
drops.There´s food for thought.
Progreesin well.Looking for landfall in about 14