
L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Tue 19 Mar 2013 17:35
08 54 59 N 79 31 54 W
The canal crossin went very well and I passed under he Bridge of the Americas at 1300hr local Sunday and was anchored here at Playita by 1500.The anchorage is good, but then there is no wind and none promised for the next seven days.
Yesterday I finally bought my visa.bit off a rip off but no way to be cleared out without it.This involved a very fast taxi ride through Panama City.
This side of Panama is very different from the Caribbean side.Affluent and smart.Huge skyscrapers,Gardens,walkways and seems very safe.
The plan is now to refuel [done],reprovision[tomorrow] and then head out to Las Peras Island thursday/friday to wait for the wind.I guess I have enough fuel to reach Galapagos but entry there is at least 700us and that is for 3
days;so straight to Marquaesa as planned.
People are sweem surpised that I am solo so we can't be that common