
L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sat 10 Aug 2013 20:14
15 56 46 S 173 46 13 W
We sailed along the coast of Savaii on Friday
morning expecting to anchor for the night off Cape Salia . The beach here was
beautiful pristine white sand and palms but alas the anchorage innaccurately
charted and roly so we carried on and set of on the 360 miles to northern Samaoa
. In fact we diverted halfway to the `new Potato ´Islands half way
The sail was fast and we held 8knt groundspeed for
several hours . Stood off the reef at about 1630 and found the chart to be
accurate . The pass is well marked by a leading line. These islands are very
basic with little ouitside intervention . Unfortunately no ATM so cann´t stay
long .Nothing to spend money on but Tongan Customs and Excise which is