Welcomed Back to Tonga

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sat 24 May 2014 05:48
18 42 06 S 174 01 89 W
We arried in Nieafu early afternoon on Thursday .
To our surprise we were well rembered and welcolmed first by the customs officer
who is a keen rugby supporter and then by the expats .The ladies on the market
hugged Penny . They hae a bad outbreak of aaa mosquiito spread iral infection so
we hae to take care .This morning I filled the gas cylinders and we shopped then
it was a short sail toPort Maurelle to anchor ansd swim . The water is
deliciously clear and blue and warm . Tonight as the sun sets we are serrenaded
by the 'tree frog orchestra'. Nice to be back. James left us this morning to
continue his traels on another boat . We eish him