Cooked Breakfast

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Mon 11 Nov 2013 20:28
34 08 73 S 175 58 70 E
Gradual improvement over 24 hrs . But not before we
had to do repairs on the autopilot . A connector had disconnected . Fortunately
the parts remained so I was able to reconnect and all worked . Simple task but
no tasks are simple when deck panels have to be removed and then work done over
the stern in a rolling sea .
The wind stayed south west untill early afternoon
before grudgingly shifting south which allowed us to set course west but still
not straight at Bay of Islands because of strong current to the north . Penny
said when i told her that we were now 200nm off that we were only 300nm off on
Friday . That´s sailing for you . The reason has been that for the first time
for several weeks a low has passed north of Northland and has produced a largely
southern airflow . We have sailed a long way to get into position to head west .
The winds cause quite strong cuurents which means one is beating 60 deg to wind
and not 45 deg true .
So now its a following wnd with clearing grey skies
. Hot water for a shower and use the last of the bacon and eggs before the NZ
customs/ immigration take them from us . This time tomorrow hopefully tied up in