Ready To Sail

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Mon 25 Mar 2013 15:42
I 've moved back to the original anchorage and have it to myself.The internet is excellent so able to skype home.The grib is showing a build up of northerly wind starting overnight and holding for the rest of the week.Just what I have been waiting for.Only hitch is it will be dead astern and will tend to push us towards Galapagos whereas I would have prefered to stay more to the east untill past the islands.The wind shows on the grib as a tongue of wind spilling over from the Caribbean side.
Getting the boat ready,baking bread,disposing of rubbish this morning and probably charge batteries and make water .Then pack dingy,final skype home and early night.
I expect this section to be fairly slow but hope to get south of Equator by the weekend and pick up Trades at 3-4 degrees