Low power

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Tue 9 Apr 2013 14:26
05 13 06 S 106 24 27 W
Time zone UTC - 7
By yesterday evening the batteries were
flat.Increased use of autopilot,no sun and the morning and solar shaded by sails
in the afternoon which is a problem of going south west. Good days run of
170nm.Quite rolly in the afternoon and early evening.Will see if the repairs I
made to the duogen water impellor have worked this morning.It´s a bit of a fag
changinging mode because I have to balance on the stern but if working would
increase power generation at these speeds.Genst on again now and battery taking
charge much more easilly than last night.Will also complete filling the bow
water tank at the same time and if not too rolly a hot shower.All well ,less
than 2000nm to go so its literally downhill fro here.