Doestic Bliss

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Mon 1 Jul 2013 20:53
14 56 57 S 157 59 68 W
Its a hot sunny day with the wind allowing us to
point directly for Suwarrrow 300miles distant.Just finished breakfast and Penny
is mixing the bread for later.
We saw our first yacht yesterday and sailed
parallel course most of the day untill we finally overhauled and left it behind
overnight. Yesterday was a day of sail changes as the wind came and when and
then altered diection enough to need to roll in the no 1 innorder to tack
Getting nearer to the equator now so much warmer
especially overnight .We seem to have finished most of the books on board and
kindle didn´t load up in the last port so lots of sunbathing.