
L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sat 12 May 2018 02:07
Fine sailing to this point but early afternoon the wind died away completely and we decided to motor for a while to rechargd the battery .The no1 genoa was fuully out and it neded rolling in . Half way through the procedure the roller jammed. Not a problem with no wind but when the wind blew again as it would far too much sail. The only option was to drop the sail a d store it on deck which we did . Strenuous work .. This is a big sail .
Start the engine and off we go . But the engine is making an unusual noise and yes we have no cooling water circulating . Engine off . Check the impellor for aiseal , fine , impellor turning yes. Good . Blockage ? . Mainsailsail down . Mask on . Over the side to check the water intake . No problem . Water warm ,afew small fish but wind returning and stern of boat threatening to drop on my head.
Mainsail up but difficult without an engine to hold bow into the wind. Eventually sail up and away we go . But still no engine .Are there any filters asked Penny . Yes but it is clean .opening the filter seemed to break the blockage . Start engine ,Water came out and off we go . But we have lost an afternoon's sailing