Preparing to Sail South

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Wed 29 Oct 2014 10:26
We are in Port Denarau and look like sailing South on Monday . Always a difficult passage to New Zealand but this year we have the benefit of good internet forcasting and things look good at the moment . We have a challenge from a kiwi who did it fully crewed in 7 days 9 hours and I think I can beat him . We shall see . Filled with water and diesel today and ordered the fresh meat . Tomorrow it's the fruit market in the morning and then amble along the coast to clear customs on Monday morning.
The thing from here is to keep north of the progressin of low passing south of us and to reach a point north of Cape Reinga (North Cape) as a high declines and a new low approaches . It can be done