More rains

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sun 23 Apr 2017 05:13
35 16 42 S 174 07 41 E
One tropical low passed close to us just after Easter and another is close today but not causing too much disturbance . At anchor of Russell , Bay of Islands . Here for a couple of days since the winds are strong north easterlies . Cals down mid week . All well . weather starting to cool down and fairly chilly at night . They still sell proper digestive biscuits in the shop here.
One tropical low passed close to us just after Easter and another is close today but not causing too much disturbance . At anchor of Russell , Bay of Islands . Here for a couple of days since the winds are strong north easterlies . Cals down mid week . All well . weather starting to cool down and fairly chilly at night . They still sell proper digestive biscuits in the shop here.