Windy day

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Wed 27 Mar 2013 22:17
05 20 22 N 80 41 51 W
It was windy morning with 30knt of following
wind.We needed a reef; fortunately only one because the second was in back
to front.Boat speed stayed at 8kn + for most of the morning.The seas have
lessend thios afernoon and I´ve been able to get a couple of hours sleep.Now
paralleling the Columbian coastline and about 90nm from Malpica Rock from
which I st the course for the Equator-
The bread making this morning was great with two
super light crunchy loaves.I´m cooking the last o9f the fresh meat now for
supper.Stil have a pineapple,oranges.cabages.peepers and tomatoes
In the last 8 hours we have traveled 70nm and the
duogen has been working overtimw.