Christopher Bay

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sun 10 Aug 2014 06:32
We had a good sheltered nights sleep . But when we woke it was obvious that we were surrounded by reefs .The echo pilot had got us in to anchor perfectly in late afternoon and high water . Now low tide was approaching . The echopilot which is a forward looking sonar device also got us out .We decided to move on and sail towards the island of Rabbi . I noticed that the only chart which I could use was small scale so took care even so we sailed to close to an unmarked reef . The echopilot saved the day and alarmed . Iwas able to start the engine and motor slowly up wind and out of danger . This area is a learning curve .
We are now at the north end of the island of Kaio in an unnamed bay which I have christened . It is very deep and lined by mangroves . No sign of any human interferrance at all and
perfect shelter . Tonight is silent apart from animal and birds ashore and no flies
16 38 35 S 179 55 84 E