First Day Of Spring

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sun 31 Aug 2014 22:30
16 26 76 S 179 56 31 W
Albert Coe , Rabi .We are the only yacht here.. A
few palm leef huts ashore . Perhaps 20 inhabitants in the village .A long wwhite
sand beach wioth the usual rainforrest behind . Hot springs ,
no road access. No internet signal- paradise .
The coral here is alie and colourful with plenty of
small fish . We are anchored inside the reef which protects us from any swell
and beneath the hihg hill which protects us from the wind . The breeze that is
is refreshing .
It's the first day of spring today so soon we start
sailing south ready to follow the swallows to New