The Moder Nurse

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Tue 2 Jul 2013 20:42
14 13 01 S 159 55 46 W
Today is perfect if a little slow.The winds when
abeam for a short while overnight and I had the joy of rigging all sails only to
reutn to big genoa alone some 30 minutes later when the wind settled back.
Progress is slow but steady and we look like arriving after dark tomorrow so it
wilol be anight at sea hove to waiting for daylight.
Now have a badly lacerated scalp . happened when
the locker lid fell on me during the night . Fortunately I have a modern degree
nurse on board to deal with this situation . Forget the dressings but this
morning I do have a full Risk Assesessment of the accident and have a
Warning from Health and Safety as to steps that need to be taken to prevent
recurrence.There´s progress