Farewell Vava´u

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sat 12 Oct 2013 01:31
We leave Neaifu In the early hours of tomorrow .
Sad to leave because of the friendlinees we have found here . Penny left the
market with baskets of fruit from the stallholders given to us as leaving
presents . Departure has been delayed by stormy weather this week and by the
dingy deciding to fall apart . This problem solved by Joe at the shipyard who
glued it back together for us . Now on to The Happai group of islands (still
Tonga ) where the snorkelling is supposed to be world beating .
Vavaú isn a place to come back too and we intend to
revisit next year and to compete is the regatta week which starts today . The
weather seems to very settled for the week which is the reason to leave