After the Storm the Calm

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sun 5 May 2013 00:25
13 46 56 S 145 30 96 W
The wind this morning went up to 30knt and stayed
there most of the morning with torrential rain.It was on the nose but
nevertheless manged to keep sailing.The problem now is that all the wind has
gone and I´m left sitting 60nm east of island of Ahe waiting for the wind to
return.Last night the lightening was impressive as were the puffs of almost
superheated air causng it. The sea is grey today but still crystal crear.No
marine creatures or boats seen.
Still haven´t had rain that would be easy to catch
and in the last island people were walking up the hill to collect water from a
tap (the tap in the harbour being unclean)Prefered to walk up the hill with two
5 gallon jerry cans than pay Kevin at yachts services 10 cents a litre to
use his tap.