Fine Sailing

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Tue 4 Nov 2014 23:15
22 22 06 S 177 11 71 E
Fine blue skies aand sunny .Sailing south at
between 6 and 7 knt under one reef and jib .
First 636 hours hae logged313nm at aerage speed of
6.9 knt . We are now in easterly wind stream and in high pressure . I expect the
wind to dcrease oer the next 18 hours and turn southerly so we may slow down
A pin in the water gen fell out at dusk so we
were without it lats night . The batteries had enough charge in them and now all
is back to normal.Just meant 15 minutes in a harnesss on the stern fixing it
Just had acold shower which reminds me of the joy
of a new hot water cylinder waiting for us in NZ