In the Blue

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Mon 1 Apr 2013 22:10
01 12 80 S 87 49 91 W
Now 80 nm east of Galapaços.Slow progrees at times
but maintaining 4knt.Just now a slightly bigger but regular swell is working in
from the south causes us to do a very slow not unpleasant roll.
Very beautiful day.The clarity of the water is
amazing and blue like i´ve never seen blue before.
Sailing wise not alot to do other that trim as
neccessary to maintain maximum boat speed.
Noticed a leak from a diesel tank this morning.Just
about had room for it(20ltr) in the tank so syphoned it in.Quite simply to do
oneself.Wouln´t do to spill oil here.
Mexican suasage with onions peppers and pasta
this evening.
Water tanks full,batteries charged and me