Fw: Time for a break

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Thu 15 May 2014 00:32
23 47 05 S 179 05 5 W
Yesterday the boats we had oertaken turned to motor and passed us leaing us to sail on alone . The wind which had been less than 8knt filled in and by nightfall we were again in sight  . This seemed to promt them to motor off again . The wind became nil this morning at 2 am and after sailing ery slowly myself and becuse of approaching  South Minera reef with it's currents I gae in to and switched to power 30nm off. We are now heading for North Minera Reef which is 2 nm away where we shall anchor in the middle of the Pacific and watch the surf breaking all around us for a day or perhaps two