Still Beating

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sat 8 Nov 2014 23:30
31 56 81 S 73 67 69 E
The expected northerlies hae not materialised yet
and we are still sloogging to winward at between 5.5 and 7knt .Hard work and ery
tired . 90 miles to Opua aand can make it on this tack , No sleep laast night
.Still work it for a fast passge . Not producing enough power from the
water gen to power the radar so hae to keep waatch. Too heeled to run the genset
. That said we will probably continue to Whangarie to see if we can better the
passge time of friend Kirk in his old Ron Holland Admiral's Cup yacht . We hae
to beat the KIwi's aat something after loosing the rugby