
L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sun 17 Mar 2013 20:34
08 54 57 N 079 3 51 W
Passed under the Bridge of the Americas at 1300hr local to enter the Pacific.
The transit went very smoothly.We were tied to a canadian catamaran.He worked his engines.I had little to do.The boys were superb contolling the boat.Whats all the panic about.
We overnightedr at the buoy on Gatun and had a little party.My food went down well.Today was drizzle.It apparently often is so the splendours of the canal were subdued to say the least.They turned the cam on at Miraflores so I hope anybody interested saw us.I waved.
Great feeling being in the Pacific.Now there is only one way to go.
Will see if I can clear customs here.I already have my zarpe and then off asap wind permitting.Used a fair amount of diesel today so could really do with afew gallons
Panama City is in the distance with it's skyscapers. The sea is calm but not blue.We have to go a little further for that.