Wet Weekend

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sun 1 Jun 2014 05:17
Hae spent the weekend on a mooring at Neiafu . Best
place to be with a conection area oer us and some heay rain . Mazou an American
boat has gien us a Raymarine unit to tryout on monday to replace our log . It
may work but I am doubtful since it is a repeater unit and not a stand alone
unit like our original . We will buy it if it works . Greatful to them .
Otherwise hot and sticky and low on water so hae to go out tomorrow to make
som . The slow leak in the hot water system is not helping. Penn generally
gets upset if the water pump which is ery high pressure is turneds off . She
will complain again when she has no water for a shower in the