Rockin & Rollin

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Thu 4 Jul 2013 20:30
13 13 02 S 164 32 27 W"
Yesterdays storm finally subsided to a modest gale
overnight. We now have énhanced ´trade winds blowing at 27 to 30 kn .The rolling
is now rythymical and not unpleasant .Showers and a hot breakfast were the order
of the day (skipper cooked) .We made 100nm overnight and now have 400nm to
run.Should arrive Sunday when everything is closed , so it will be quarentine
berth overnight somewhere in the docks-uggh.
We passed close to Suwarru;no lights and
island in darkness .Pilot adviced not a suittable place in bad weather so on we
went .Shame because Penny was very keen to see it having read Tom Neills book