Something Fishy ?

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Mon 8 Apr 2013 14:27
05 03 14 S 103 52 14 S
One of the main tasks for the long distance solo
sailor is to stay infront of the game.That is by constantly checking for sings
of equipment failure or stress and being aware of the sensation of the boat,the
sea on which she sails and the weather.Weather along way offshore changes
rapidly and observing cloud formation direction of swell can save the day.This
probably why many solo sailors seem pernicity to those not used to the
Yesterday was a day of two halves; a cloudy gentle
morning and then a windy blue afternoon with breaking waves and swell to 4m from
just abaft the beam.The reef went in as soon as the swell changed direction and
before the wind set about us.One or two waves came aboard bringing the usual
crop of flying fish and squid;one squid which was smeeling all night I have just
traced from the ink stains to under the lid of the port lazarrette
Reefing did not alter speed and we logged 160 nm
and measured 165nm so little benefit from current.
today is very similar .We are bout half way to the
Marquesa and expect to complete the passage in 25days or less